Record Tuesday: Birdy

1901 covered by Birdy

There hasn't really been any exciting things happening in my life lately to be honest, but I have become very much so obsessed with music again. I spend a lot of time with my head phones in as I walk to school, study, take naps in the library, etc. I kinda feel like it gets me through my day. There is just something about good music that releases tension and stress and makes me forget about all the deadlines, classes, and exams that fill my day. Spotify has literally become my best friend. Any free time that I have I am searching for new music, or playing my favorites. I have known about Birdy for a while now, but I hadn't really look much into her music beside her cover of Bon Iver's Skinny Love (which is way good by the way). I am really impressed by the fact that she is only like 15 years old and has that voice. Also, the fact that she does such amazing covers of some of my favorite songs. Her album covers artists like Phoenix (who I am hoping to see in concert this summer), Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes, and the Postal Service amongst others. Don't get me wrong. I am a huge fan of the original songs, but I feel like a good cover compliments the original so much. 
Do you love Birdy? because I do.
P.S. I feel like I am going to be sharing a lot of music posts in the future. I hope you don't mind. 
P.P.S. Yeah... I know it's not Tuesday.

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